Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a contemporary Nigerian author. I have always admired her work and her involvment in social issues such as Feminism, Racism, Immigration etc, and I decided to adapt her feminist manifesto into an illustrated book.
︎︎︎ 2022
︎︎︎ Branding
︎︎︎ Branding

This manifesto was initially a collection of suggestions Adichie exchanged with a close friend of hers who was expecting a child, and who asked her how to raise her daughter as a feminist. I decided to section off this book into the 15 different suggestions that she Adichie gave her friend, and went for a more playful, interactive illustrated design direction inspired by children’s books. The manifesto and the eaccompanying website thus lends itself perfectly to shared learning moment between a parent and a child.